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Make Easy Money with Google : Using the AdSense Advertising Program

Last Updated 2010-11-18T00:21:09Z
Premium By Raushan Design With Shroff Templates
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Get your Web site to `show you the money` by using Google to draw more eyes--and wallets--to your content. In this friendly, four-color guide from veteran author and Web developer Eric Giguere, you'll learn all about Google's AdSense program and how you can use it to make your Web site or blog more profitable. Written in an easy-to-read, non-technical style, this book follows three average people--Claude, Stef, and Anita--as they learn to create money-making blogs and Web sites.

Through their experiences, you'll learn: basic Web terminology; the Google Adsense nuts and bolts; how to host, build, and publish targeted ads and Google search boxes to your Web site; filter out inappropriate ads; track page performance; drive traffic to your site; and more. A four-part companion Web site features a blog, includes reader resources, and details the techniques discussed in the book.

Online marketers agree that AdSense is one of the best tools you can use to draw dollars to your site. Let Giguere show you how to make the most of Google and have fun doing it!

User review
Perfect for beginners

I have to defend this book. It wasn't written for advanced AdSense users, so it cannot be judged as if it were. I'm an AdSense user, and this is the book I recommend to my non-technical friends and family members who don't understand how I make money from running ads on my Web site. It's perfect for them to learn how to do it too. How else are newbies going to get started if there is no book for them?

Everything Eric writes is knowledgeable, down-to-earth, helpful, and honest. Remember that he had an editor for this book too, so it was probably changed a lot from his usual style. His new book, Uncommon AdSense, probably better reflects his writing style since it didn't have a big publisher. I like his companion blog for this book too. It reflects himself as an honest, smart guy whom you can trust to teach you about AdSense.

User review
It Works!

Yes. His ideas work. And he explains his ideas well, using sufficient images to get his points across. You're not going to get rich off AdSense in just 30 days, but if you implement his ideas and suggestions, you will start to make money from your website and blog without having to do much more than provide interesting content.

Go out and buy this book, now!


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